

Since the announcement of the friendly match between Morocco & Argentina, several rumors have spread pretending that the 5 times Ballon d’or Lionel Messi gave instructions not to approach him, no selfie with the fans or players.

On the other hand, FRMF has denied everything confirming that no such conditions have been given. So the question is whether Messi will come to Morocco or not?

Since I met him and spent a short moment with him in Barcelona, ​​I can confirm that he is super nice and he took the time to listen to me when I told him my story and my challenge # Maymkench2026. He gave me enough time to take a picture with me and sign the ball without any problems.

He looks a little autistic and I think that’s why he’s a genius. This is only my humble opinion but in comparison, Cristiano Ronaldo is a nurtured player because he works hard and acquired all his skills. Messi on the other hand is an innate player because he was gifted with all his skills.

Saad with Leo Messi

Since I met him and spent a short moment with him in Barcelona, ​​I can confirm that he is super nice and he took the time to listen to me when I told him my story and my challenge # Maymkench2026. He gave me enough time to take a picture with me and sign the ball without any problems.

He looks a little autistic and I think that’s why he’s a genius. This is only my humble opinion but in comparison, Cristiano Ronaldo is a nurtured player because he works hard and acquired all his skills. Messi on the other hand is an innate player because he was gifted with all his skills.

Saad Abid with Leo Messi 10

See you on March 26 in Tangier for a historical friendly match.


Saad Abid

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Saad Abid

Moroccan Adventurer, Surfer, Environmentalist, Inspirational Speaker, Social Entrepreneur, Video Creator

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